Taking their name from the year in which the founders of our country set sail from England, 1620 Workwear looks to embody the same DIY American spirit through their Massachusetts-made workwear apparel made from military-spec strength fabrics. It’s a noble experiment in American engineering, coming to fruition with the release of their Double Knee work pant.
Made right here in the USA from Cordura and Tweave Durastrech Fabric, this work pant is suitable for active use in just about any work environment. It’s quick drying, stain, chemical, and water resistant and features a total of nine pockets for a wide variety of storage and carry capabilities. The Double Knee work pant also features YKK zippers, a military-spec button, gusseted crotch for enhanced flexibility, and fits in a more modern and ergonomic manner that traditional double knee work pants so they suggest sizing up if in doubt. Prices for the work pant are currently set at $228 and they’re now available for preorder.